New Video options at Spinning Babies

Spinning babies now offers videos to buy or rent to help you have an easier child birth and have the optimal fetal positioning . You can increase pregnancy comfort,  labor ease and, perhaps, even avoid cesarean surgery. People across the globe are using these...
Labor Patterns

Labor Patterns

Is Assessing strength and patterns of contractions useful? In many  birth settings   people   often ask ‘how strong are her contractions?’ or ‘is she having effective contractions? While it may be possible to find out how often contractions are coming, and how long...
What is Optimal Fetal Positioning?

What is Optimal Fetal Positioning?

What is Optimal Fetal Positioning? OFP is a phrase coined by Jean Sutton for the goal of her childbirth preparation through maternal positioning: the left occiput anterior fetal position. OFP directs pregnant women to spend most of their time with the abdomen lower...