Welcome Bryson
Lisa is a 3x DONA Certified birth doula. And Certified Sacred postpartum doula. I am trained as a bereavement doula with Loss Doula International.
DONA defines a doula as “a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after birth; or who provides emotional and practical support during the postpartum period.”
I am a Birth keeper. Birth Keepers are doulas but not all doulas are birth keepers as most certified doulas are bound and limited in how they can support women by whatever scope their certifying organization has set.
I certified 3 times with DONA and I learned much along the way but I wanted to encourage and offer more .
I believe in traditional instinctual wisdom. I believe that birth is a right of passage. We are here to awaken the power in women so we can reclaim birth. We know that women are born with the wisdom of birth and motherhood in our DNA, after all, women have populated the entire earth.
I believe in mothering the mother. I believe in your body!
I believe that women are wise and birth is sacred I believe in traditional instinctual wisdom.
I believe in mothering at the breast and nurturing the souls of our children .
A Postpartum doula does whatever a mother needs to best enjoy and care for her new baby. A large part of their role is education. They share information about baby care with parents, as well as teach siblings and partners to “mother the mother.” They assist with breastfeeding education. Postpartum doulas also make sure the mother is fed, well hydrated and comfortable.
With 27 plus years experience in serving families and a tremendous passion for all things birth and breastfeeding, Lisa has been considered an amazing asset to all who engage her services. Her desire to help each family connect with their own birth choices, and intuition has allowed her the opportunity to utilize the pregnancy and birth knowledge that she has been gathering for over two decades.
Lisa has most recently completed her Cranial Sacral Training (CST) and offers in home visits
Lisa resides in beautiful St Augustine, Florida with her six children and is the Glamma to two. Lisa’s first two children were full term natural hospital births her next three were home births and one preemie induced at 33 weeks after a month of PROM.
Lisa is a Lactation Councilor and La Leche League Leader since 1997 . Lisa has been doula and birth assistant to many friends births and photographer for over 27 years. My photography website is http://lisaolschewskephotography.com/ She is a Maya Wrap sling distributor and teaches proper baby and child wearing .
Check out Lisa’s listing on Doula Match : http://doulamatch.net/profile/9360/lisa-olschewske
Childbirth Education Training
- Bradley
- Lamaze International
- HBCE (HypnoBirthing)
- Spinning Babies
- I have completed the above classes, but not a certified instructor
Breastfeeding Certifications
- La Leche League Leader since 1997
- Certified Lactation Counselor (The Center for Breastfeeding)
- Breastfeeding USA Counselor
Other Relevant Certifications
- Certified Sacred Postpartum Belly Binding , Mother Roaster
- Adult & Infant CPR / First Aid Certified
- Neonatal Resusitation (NRP Certified)
- CST Cranial Sacral Therapy
Specialized training or previous experience
- Teens
- Over 40
- Home Birth
- Multiples
- Military families (OSD)
- Clients on bed rest
- Adoption
- Special needs babies
- Prematurity
- Twins
- Postpartum mood disorders
- High risk
- Hyperemesis gravidarum ‘HG’
- Expected stillbirth
- Single parents
- Cesarean birth
- Waterbirth
- Survivors of childhood sexual abuse
- Survivors of Previous Life Trauma
- Domestic Violence
- Trained in homeopathic remedies, essential oils (young living)
- ToTs Tethered oral Ties aka Tongue Ties
- CST Cranial Sacral Therapy
- Spinning Babies Trained
- Baby Wearing
Special Services Offered
- Professional Photography
- Placenta encapsulation
- Mother blessing celebrations
- Infant massage education
- TENS units
- Acupressure and/or acupuncture in labor
- Belly casting
- Cloth diapering education
- Parenting consulting
- Elimination communication education
- Baby wearing education
- Baby-led weaning
- Reduced rates for military members/spouses
- Pregnancy, birth and/or newborn photography
- Sibling support (for your older children at the birth)
- Antepartum doula
- Miscarriage Support (Before, During or After)
- Aromatherapy
- Bereavement doula (pregnancy & infant loss)
- NFP (natural family planning )
Relevant volunteer or advocacy work
La Leche League Leader since 1997, past API Leader
Happily Serving Northeast Florida including Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach, Palm Coast, Flagler County, Daytona, Port Orange , Orange Park, Ormond beach, Ocala, New Smyrna , Melbourne and St Augustine Birth Doula Services and Postpartum Doula Services
Contact Lisa at 904-806-3778
or email gracefulbeginningsdoulaservice@gmail.com
All contents here were created and owned by Lisa Ellis Olschewske CD, CST & Graceful Beginnings Doula Services. Please do not copy in any way the information found on this site. Thank you!