by Lisa | Nov 23, 2014 | Birth options, Child Birth Education, Uncategorized
There are many birth options in our area, we have several wonderful CPM’s in North East Florida under my resource page I list all our amazing midwives if you should choose a homebirth or a birth center...
by Lisa | Nov 7, 2014 | Uncategorized
You may be surprised to discover the variations in childbirth classes—some are months long while others last a day; some take place in a hospital( least recommended) and others are conducted in the educator’s home or other locations. Regardless, topics...
by Lisa | May 15, 2014 | Uncategorized
One of the biggest repeat questions a doula/caregiver can hear during labor and birth is ‘how far along am I’. Some women would prefer not to know, some women could care less, and some women desire this knowledge almost habitually. As with any intervention in labor...