What is Optimal Fetal Positioning?

What is Optimal Fetal Positioning?

What is Optimal Fetal Positioning? OFP is a phrase coined by Jean Sutton for the goal of her childbirth preparation through maternal positioning: the left occiput anterior fetal position. OFP directs pregnant women to spend most of their time with the abdomen lower...

In honor of National Preemie Day, November 17

The Journey Of Sebastian Octavius : On April 7, 2009 during my home school meeting I had a gush of fluid…..I went to the midwife office and it was confirmed with a nitrizine strip that it was amniotic fluid. I was escorted to the hospital. The Ob did the same...

Evidence on the Safety of Water Birth

I have personally been to many water births as a birth  Doula. The photo on my blog of the baby was a beautiful water birth, at home. In April there was report that went out In their opinion statement, ACOG and the AAP firmly admonished that water birth should be...