What is Optimal Fetal Positioning?

What is Optimal Fetal Positioning?

What is Optimal Fetal Positioning? OFP is a phrase coined by Jean Sutton for the goal of her childbirth preparation through maternal positioning: the left occiput anterior fetal position. OFP directs pregnant women to spend most of their time with the abdomen lower...

Why won’t this labor start properly?

This post discusses onset of labor. A woman is commonly considered in labor when her cervix is progressively opening and continuing to open. Stages of labor are the first stage of cervical dilation, the second stage of “pushing” or until the actual birth...
Using a Rebozo during labor

Using a Rebozo during labor

The rebozo, a tightly woven traditional Mexican shawl, is one of the few tools I have in my doula bag. The gentle belly sifting accomplished with the rebozo feels very calming, relaxing and nurturing to the mom. This belly massage can relief uterine ligament tension...