The homebirth of Cassandra

In the wee hours of the morning of March 16 I got the call from Leah that she thought she was in early labor. Being a birth doula also, I got up and prepared to head to her home. Because she was a fast laboring momma with her previous babies.  This was the first birth...

Doulaing my children

I originally shared this post on my personal blog tonight and decided to share a similar version here. I called it Nurturing during injuries. But found myself during the incident talking to my daughter like I was at a birth. But do I call it doulaing or nurturing? We...

What is Group B Strep?

    Back in 1996 when I was pregnant with my second child I was tested for Group B Strep , (the test was not common with the first in 1992) I tested “positive” for Group B Strep. I quickly began to research my alternatives. I am a fast laborer...