Comparing Child Birth Education Classes

  You may be surprised to discover the variations in childbirth classes—some are months long while others last a day; some take place in a hospital( least recommended)  and others are conducted in the educator’s home or other locations. Regardless, topics...

A look at a Knot in an umbilical cord

  Did you know that the umbilical cord has two arteries and one vein that are protected from crimping by a substance called Wharton’s Jelly? It keeps the cord rigid and flexible to protect the blood’s ability to flow through the cord even with a knot!...

Why won’t this labor start properly?

This post discusses onset of labor. A woman is commonly considered in labor when her cervix is progressively opening and continuing to open. Stages of labor are the first stage of cervical dilation, the second stage of “pushing” or until the actual birth...