Cervical Scar Tissue – A Cause of Preventable Cesareans

Cervical Scar Tissue – A Cause of Preventable Cesareans Dawn Thompson is  the founder of ImprovingBirth.org.  She has spent the past eight years on a mission to understand how scar tissue on the cervix affects women in labor, and to let the public know about it.  In...

A look at a Knot in an umbilical cord

  Did you know that the umbilical cord has two arteries and one vein that are protected from crimping by a substance called Wharton’s Jelly? It keeps the cord rigid and flexible to protect the blood’s ability to flow through the cord even with a knot!...

Checking dilation without being ‘checked’

One of the biggest repeat questions a doula/caregiver can hear during labor and birth is ‘how far along am I’. Some women would prefer not to know, some women could care less, and some women desire this knowledge almost habitually. As with any intervention in labor...