What is Group B Strep?

    Back in 1996 when I was pregnant with my second child I was tested for Group B Strep , (the test was not common with the first in 1992) I tested “positive” for Group B Strep. I quickly began to research my alternatives. I am a fast laborer...

How often does a Uterine Rupture Occur?

I have been a doula for many successful VBAC’s and HBAC’s and one of the common concerns and questions are revolving around the common fear of uterine rupture. My friend Heather has some great birth stories as she has given birth several times with VBAC,...

New Video options at Spinning Babies

Spinning babies now offers videos to buy or rent to help you have an easier child birth and have the optimal fetal positioning . You can increase pregnancy comfort,  labor ease and, perhaps, even avoid cesarean surgery. People across the globe are using these...