by Lisa | Jun 22, 2021 | bereavement, Birth options, Breastfeeding, Cesarean, Child Birth Education, Cranialsacral therapy, Craniosacral therapy, CST, Fourth Trimester, Holistic health, Homebirth, Homeopathics, Insurance Reimbursement, Intuition, loving guidance, Natural birth, parenting, Photography, Postpartum, Postpartum fitness, Pregnancy, Premature birth, Prenatal fitness, Sibling Doula, Virtual Doula
Birth keepers are doulas but not all doulas are birth keepers as most certified doulas are bound and limited in how they can support women by whatever scope their certifying organization has set. I certified 3 times (in ten years ) with DONA and I...
by Lisa | Jul 21, 2019 | bereavement, Birth options, Breastfeeding, Child Birth Education, Fourth Trimester, Homebirth, Insurance Reimbursement, Microbiomes, Natural birth, Pelvic Floor, Photography, Postpartum, Postpartum fitness, Pregnancy, Premature birth, Prenatal fitness, Stillbirth, Virtual Doula
How do I get my insurance to reimburse for doula services ?Or Use a HSA + FSA to PAY for your doula. You may be wondering will my insurance reimburse or pay for a doula. There are currently...