Sacred Postpartum Belly binding

Sacred Postpartum Belly binding

I  was certified as Sacred Postpartum Belly Binder, with Sacred Pregnancy a few years ago making me one of the first in Florida . Belly Binding is an effective and important part of a mama’s recovery that aids the body to shrink and recover in shorter time period,...

TENS Unit in labor

Medical News Today published a press release citing a 2009 review by the Cochrane Collaboration that concluded that women should have the option of using transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) as a non-pharmacological method of pain management in labor....

Essential Oils for Pregnancy, labor and birth

Essential Oils for Pregnancy, labor and birth First of all Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils from Young Living are safe, organic and non toxic if used with common ‘scents’. In order to gain proper therapeutic effects with Essential Oils the importance of purity cannot...

Checking dilation without being ‘checked’

One of the biggest repeat questions a doula/caregiver can hear during labor and birth is ‘how far along am I’. Some women would prefer not to know, some women could care less, and some women desire this knowledge almost habitually. As with any intervention in labor...

Placenta Encapsulation

Placenta Encapsulation RESEARCH STUDIES SUPPORTING PLACENTA ENCAPSULATION Placentophagy protocol in management of postpartum care ‎”Giving…placenta to a new mother following birth has become standard protocol among a growing number of midwives in the United States. By...