Birth keepers are doulas but not all doulas are birth keepers as most certified doulas are bound and limited in how they can support women by whatever scope their certifying organization has set.
I certified 3 times (in ten years ) with DONA and I learned much along the way but I wanted to encourage and offer more . I am still certified through Sacred Pregnancy and Sacred Postpartum in order for my clients to use their insurance and FHA to pay or be reimbursed. I have been holding space at births for over 26 years now. I was a birth keeper before it was popular. I was going to my friends births in the 1990’s holding space with them. I was also a film photographer and would take photos (film and developed myself ) Why? Because they would ask questions about my first birth and were in awe of my calmness. My love and passion for MY own birth. They said just me being there in the room made them feel better. I never gave it much thought until recently .
I had just attended a weekend CST training in person with Lori Hendrickson. She is a kindred spirit. She told me I was a ‘much needed voice ‘ my calmness , my energy , my wisdom, needed to be shared with others. I shared with her privately how I have been treated by some in the birth communities. Lets just say she gave me BACK my courage to share and speak the truth. She made me feel like I AM worthy. I know I am . But when you have someone speak very unkind to you it makes you doubt sometimes. I have been an accredited La Leche League Leader since 1997. I felt like I found my tribe again while at that weekend in Tampa. I have now added more credentials to my name .

I want to empower and encourage other women to follow their instinct.
I believe in traditional instinctual wisdom.
I believe that birth is a right of passage.
We are here to awaken the power in women so we can reclaim birth.
We know that women are born with the wisdom of birth and motherhood in our DNA, after all, women have populated the entire earth.
I believe in mothering the mother. I believe in OUR body!
I believe that women are wise and birth is sacred!
I believe in traditional instinctual wisdom.
I believe in mothering at the breast and nurturing the souls of our children .
Peace and Love to you all