I have been serving as ‘doula’ for the past 27 years to close friends and family in a virtual way. They would call and text me often during pregnancy , labor and postpartum asking my advice. Either face to face and via phone, text and Skype.
I have decided to now officially offer Virtual Doula Services as an additional option to my in personal doula services.
Many parents face uncertain financial times when planning for the birth of their baby and often times hiring a doula is not a priority due to this. Or with the uncertain times we face with viruses , natural disasters and more.
It is my hope to help change this for many. I truly believe in the numerous benefits and advantages in having someone support you during pregnancy, labor and during the postpartum period . So I am offering this virtual doula service to help support families and make doula support a reality for everyone that wants a doula.
There are also couples who are not comfortable having anyone else present during labor and birth so this is a great option for those couples also. Having your doula available via phone, video or zoom.
I will be offering a few different Virtual Packages to best meet your family’s needs. Including private and small zoom group Childbirth and breastfeeding classes.
So you ask how can a Virtual Doula Service work??
My Birth Services may include 2-3 prenatal conferences to discuss your birth, baby, and any other information you would like about becoming (a) parent(s). This can be done FaceTime , video or zoom . I will also offer childbirth education. We will cover previous birth history and your current pregnancy, comfort measures for labor, basic birth physiology, informed consent, hospital policies, procedures, and interventions, medication and pain relief options, as well as breastfeeding and infant care. You will receive help if wanted with creating birth plan, breastfeeding and baby care plans.
Here is just ONE testimonial :
What makes Lisa unique as a doula is her gift of self. She is always available, delights in helping, sharing advice, or just talking to you. Lisa helped me “deliver” my third baby via text messages (I lived in CO and it was the middle of the night). I was in labor, but I wasn’t sure how fast or slow I was progressing. It wasn’t time to call the midwife yet and I didn’t want to call my local doula until I was really in labor. I was texting Lisa more as a friend, but she responded in the middle of the night, even though she didn’t have to. We texted back and forth between contractions and she gave advice on how to relax and how to TRUST in the process. My last labors had been really slow, and I was scared this one would be slow and long as well. Lisa stayed by my side (via text) until the sun rose and I finally went in to the birthing center and my local doula met me there. Labor can be such a confusing time, “am I in labor? am I not? is it moving at a good pace? do I need to go back to bed? What happens if something goes wrong? etc”) and Lisa was a rock for me as I began the emotional journey of giving birth. And she wasn’t even paid, she was just being a friend. Before I had my 4th baby, I was scared of hemmoriging (something that happened at my last three births) and she gave me a great plan to have in place that answered all of my “what if” fears. I am so thankful for Lisa’s passion for birthing and am very grateful for all the help she has given me over the years! Posted 3/13/2015 on Doula Match
If desired I will attend your child’s birth via phone or video as a steady support system for you and your loved ones in attendance. I will suggest relaxing, focusing, and other gentle labor techniques to assist you in achieving your desired birthing experience. I will offer constant informational and emotional support in any way I can, as well as help you follow your birthing plan as fully as possible.
I also offer information on cloth diapering, babywearing, co-sleeping, and placenta encapsulation and more . Just Ask!!
During the postpartum time known as the fourth trimester
You can receive support as you adjust into the roles of (a) new parent(s). I will support and encourage you in breastfeeding, some postpartum needs, and baby care essentials again via phone or skype. You will receive 3-5 (or less if not needed) postpartum conferences whenever it is convenient for you. Usually I will arrange to talk with you the day after your birth to make sure you are comfortable and adjusting well. Then a follow-up conference within 2 weeks following your birth as well as a 6 week closing appointment to discuss your birth story and how you feel about your birthing experience. You will be able to call, message or skype almost any time you would like information or support.
After the postpartum conferences you are welcome to contact me at anytime for additional support by phone or email.
I am very happy and excited to be offering Virtual Doula Services. The great thing is if at any time (if you are local ) you can upgrade your doula services and have me come to you.
~Happy Birthing
Lisa Ellis Olschewske CD, CLC, CST & Graceful Beginnings Doula Services. Please do not copy in any way the information found on this site. Thank you!