Below are just a few birth stories and testimonials from some of the sweet families I have served, for more please check Doula Match for more reviews here on Doula Match
From Kelly Lynn : Bryson’s birth story in her own words:
“Friday was quite the whirlwind. After seeing the midwife at 9 and finding out I was dilated 5 cms, we thought for sure things would start and Bryson would arrive. Having had contractions on Friday and Wednesday with no baby to show was frustrating. I did my best to stay busy and not get discouraged when it seemed like labor was not on the horizon. Some inconsistent and painless contractions came and went throughout the day. We stayed in Jacksonville at my moms until Mike was off and we could make sure I wasn’t in labor. At dinner, I was having some mild contractions every 6 mins. We decided to stick around for a bit to see if they intensified before heading home. My dear friend and doula, Lisa, suggested I go for a walk to see what they did. I left my parent’s house for a quick walk to the end of the street around 8:00. Within 10 mins, I was telling Lisa that she must hate me. She has so much love for our family so this is far from the truth. All I knew was that she encouraged my current painful surges because she knew what I needed to get my body into active labor. They went from pesky to intense and 2-3 mins apart. I kept reminding myself of Lisa’s truths spoken to me in preparation for this time, it’s pain with a purpose that ultimately has a beautiful end result! I extended my walk to take me around the block while she remained on the phone with me, helping me breathe through each surge. When I got back inside, I figured we would see if they calmed or if it was really time. Lisa already knew it was time but I was in denial. They didn’t taper in intensity or space out. It was go time! By this time, they were 1 1/2 mins apart and getting stronger. At 9:00, I called the midwife to let her know we were heading into the hospital. The surges had become very intense so the car ride and walk to L&D were no easy feat. I’m pretty sure the valet attendant and security check in were concerned about me and ready to get me to labor and delivery ASAP. After many stops for contractions along the walk, we made it to L&D admitting at 9:45. Thankfully, my midwife arrived and had already done pre-admission preparation which made the process smoother. We got into the room and I changed my clothes. The other midwife arrived and so did my mom and doula. She checked me and told me I could push whenever I felt ready. I leaned over my birth ball and made it through a few more contractions when my water broke. I knew I needed to push with the next contraction but I didn’t think I had the strength to do so. The next contraction came and within 3 pushes, he was here. So thankful he came out crying as it’s a sound I longed to hear from Paisley and Brody. My initial thoughts were, that hurt and I’m glad it’s over. Then it hit me, he’s here and he’s alive. We are bringing a baby home from the hospital! Still seems like such a dream. He was born at 10:27 pm and weighed 6 lbs 13 oz and was 19 in long. This was my first unmedicated birth and I am so thankful to have had the support of my amazing husband and doula during the process. Uncharted territory is always scary but they gave me the confidence to keep going even when things seemed impossible.
Yesterday afternoon, I had my tubal ligation done. As “easy” as this pregnancy was physically, it was an emotional roller coaster that we aren’t equipped to face again. Our hearts are full! Mike has struggled more than me with the permanency of closing the door on our childbearing years. I reminded him that it’s only closing the door on traditional childbearing. For now, we are blessed to be a family of 6 with 6 angels watching over us.
As for his name, both his first and middle hold a special place in my heart. When I was in nursing school, I did a rotation in pediatrics. While working the floor, I met a teenage boy named Bryson. He had a disease that altered his immune system and he developed a rare infection. I didn’t spend much time with him or even know much about him. He was one of the first patients I encountered that didn’t make it out of the hospital alive. Over 15 years later and I still think about him so we felt the name was special enough for our son. His middle name comes from my dad’s side of the family. Every year, we spend the first weekend of April at family reunion. Every year, we look forward to seeing Uncle Kenneth, my great uncle. He knows how to light up a room and has one of the kindest hearts I’ve ever known. Uncle Kenneth has a special touch when it comes to kids. It doesn’t matter how shy or hesitant a kid might be with strangers, he always wins their hearts in the end. So thankful for the impact of those we honor with our son’s name.”
From Kelly Lynn : “There’s so much I could say about Lisa! She was with my husband and I as our still birth doula twice. Within the last 2 years, she supported us at the lowest points of our life. We were blessed to have her with us when we delivered our rainbow baby. Given our history of multiple losses, my anxiety was high throughout the pregnancy. Her support was vital in helping me have a peaceful approach to my first unmedicated delivery. In the weeks leading up to delivery, she supported me as my contractions came and went multiple times. On the night of delivery, I had traveled an hour away to my parent’s house. We remained in contact via phone where she helped me through the contractions until we met at the hospital. She encouraged me to trust my body and I’m so glad I listened. We had an amazing natural birth thanks to her love and support.”
Posted 7/7/2016 on Doula Match
From Angel Nelson”I was so lucky to have Lisa recommended to me by a friend. Without her support, I don’t think I would have had the strength to hold out for the natural birth I had dreamed of. Lisa made herself available for any calls, texts, questions, worries, etc. That I had. She always got back to me in a quick manner, and was very informative and supportive. The tricks and tips she provided my husband and I during labor made me so much more at ease, though I’m sure I seemed like a nervous wreck. When I doubted myself and my ability to have the baby naturally, Lisa calmed me down. She was a strong presence, but soft and understanding. She dimmed the lights and held my hand when needed, and reminded me to focus on things other than the intensity of labor.I would 1000% recommend Lisa to other parents/parents-to-be, especially those hoping to achieve a natural birth after a previous induction (which was the case with us). ” Posted 3/11/2016 Doula Match
My husband and I had the pleasure of working with Lisa as our doula for the birth of our first son. She was an outstanding addition to our birth team before, during, and after the birth. She was a wealth of information beforehand and more than willing to meet or discuss any concerns without time constraints or concern for number of prenatal visits. She was very supportive of your choice to have your birth in accordance to your individual preference. During the labor she was extremely supportive of my husband and I and never left my side once her presence was requested. She was a continuous positive presence throughout and we could not have done it without her; she assisted in being able to achieve my goal of natural unmedicated childbirth. She was also invaluable in her knowledge on breastfeeding and availability postnatally. Thanks, Lisa, we’ll never forget how you helped us to achieve this very important goal and bringing Mason into this world healthy and happy!
Posted 3/20/2015 On Doula Match
What makes Lisa unique as a doula is her gift of self. She is always available, delights in helping, sharing advice, or just talking to you. Lisa helped me “deliver” my third baby via text messages (I lived in CO and it was the middle of the night). I was in labor, but I wasn’t sure how fast or slow I was progressing. It wasn’t time to call the midwife yet and I didn’t want to call my local doula until I was really in labor. I was texting Lisa more as a friend, but she responded in the middle of the night, even though she didn’t have to. We texted back and forth between contractions and she gave advice on how to relax and how to TRUST in the process. My last labors had been really slow, and I was scared this one would be slow and long as well. Lisa stayed by my side (via text) until the sun rose and I finally went in to the birthing center and my local doula met me there. Labor can be such a confusing time, “am I in labor? am I not? is it moving at a good pace? do I need to go back to bed? What happens if something goes wrong? etc”) and Lisa was a rock for me as I began the emotional journey of giving birth. And she wasn’t even paid, she was just being a friend. Before I had my 4th baby, I was scared of hemmoriging (something that happened at my last three births) and she gave me a great plan to have in place that answered all of my “what if” fears. I am so thankful for Lisa’s passion for birthing and am very grateful for all the help she has given me over the years! Posted 3/13/2015 on Doula Match
Lisa was so fantastic! I used her for two births. my middle child was a vbac in the hospital. I labored at home. Lisa came and I knew right away everything was going to be ok. She was so.Calm and so reassuring. she knew all my labor cues and when to leave For the hospital. At the hospital, just having her there, the hospital staff knew that I was going to take my vbac seriously. I was so grateful to have her there. it was thanksgiving and she was still happy to be with us.
then with my third birth, I chose a homebirth. The midwives at fv were there, but I had already been through it with Lisa and so I knew I would absolutely want her there. And she was the first at my house when I was in labor. She made sure i was comftorabke and reassured me I was doing great. The birth was smooth and easy.when the baby nursed for the first time, Lisa knew right away that she had a deep tongue tie. I didn’t notice anything and neither did anyone else. But sure enough, i ended up needed her help with figuring out how to nurse through it. Lisa is seriously fantastic. We were a perfect match. she is a wonderful resource for natural birthing and for natural parenting. Posted 3/12/2015 on Doula Match
FROM MEGAN ARIANO: Lisa was an amazing doula and an instrumental part of our birth! She was helpful throughout my labor; by walking with me in our neighborhood, talking with me during my time in the tub, to being a kind friend throughout pregnancy and birth. She is full of knowledge and kindness. Posted 2/2/2015
FROM KEA JONES : “I met Lisa just a few days before I delivered, because I decided at the last minute that I wanted a doula. I couldn’t have been happier with my experience with her! She came to my house in the middle of the night when I started having contractions and she stayed with me the whole time throughout my long labor at the hospital (almost 24 hours at the hospital alone). She helped calm me down during the contractions and I don’t know what I would have done without her! I would definitely recommend Lisa to anyone looking for the assistance of a doula. ”

From Laura Bland “I am blessed and honored to have known Lisa as a friend and doula for the past several years. I feel that I have grown as a better mother because of her wise and loving advice. With each of my last five babies, she has gently encouraged and instructed me in cloth diapering, co-sleeping, natural birth, and breastfeeding. She has been my resource for everything having to do with babies, and I often refer friends to her, calling her the Baby-Guru. Amazingly, Lisa is also an accomplished photographer, and has captured many precious memories including baptisms and births, as well as graduation and family portraits.
Especially during my most recent pregnancy, birth, and afterwards, Lisa was and continues to be a wealth of sound advise, support, and help. in labor, she helped me by applying pressure to my lower back and showed my husband how to help with pressure points and breathing. Because I was 44 yrs and having my eighth child, Lisa kept me calm and helped me with my very odd side-effects.
I would whole-heartedly recommend to any young or old, new or seasoned mother to utilize Lisa as a birth doula. She is always available for counsel or assistance, with the most loving and genuine demeanor. The financial investment is money well-spent, as her skills, advice, and professionalism are worth every penny. “Posted 10/23/2014
From Tiffany Thiel :”Lisa went above and beyond what I expected, especially since we didn’t meet/hire her until I was about 37 weeks. She was there the entire time, for what ended up being a long labor, and offered her support in everything from aromatherapy, homeopathics and lactation advice to sandwich making, helping with my toddler and, at the end, literal support. I would definitely hire her again, if we planned on having any more children.” Posted 6/7/2014
From Jenni Ascher : “Lisa was at the birth of my third child and we were so happy to have her there with us. We did not have a doula at our first birth and it was much more stressful than necessary. Our second child, we had another great local doula who has since moved away, but I was so glad to find Lisa since she shares my faith and so much more. Lisa was there for us anytime we needed her before, during, and after my birth. She was a wonderful calm, supportive presence for me and I felt blessed to have her with us. I recommend her to all of my friends who ask who to use for a doula, too.
If we are blessed with future babies she will be there too, God willing. <3
And she’s an awesome photographer too. :)”
From Alexandra Doherty: “I had a lot of fear and anxiety about the upcoming birth of my second baby. My first birth wasn’t ideal and left me with a lot of pain and distrust. Lisa LISTENED and offered solutions for better support this time around. I followed many of her recommendations: from massage to lying positions that helped get the baby in to a better position (my first baby was born posterior). She was (and is) available at a moments notice and continues to offer support and answer questions- because she loves what she does and truly cares.
When I went into labor, I got in contact with my midwife to let her know how I was doing. Throughout the earlier parts Lisa accompanied me to labor on St. Augustine Beach with my husband. She applied AMAZING counter pressure to my lower back and encouraged me to keep walking, squatting, breathing, all while relaxing my muscles. I never felt afraid. I never doubted myself. I breathed in the ocean and knew this birth would be better.
Three hours later she and my husband quickly set up the birth pool in our bedroom, and as soon as my midwife arrived Luna was born.
Lisa’s calming presence and confidence helped me to accomplish what I had wanted.
After Luna’s birth, I began experiencing pain while nursing. Lisa and my midwife both recognized that Luna had an upper-lip tie that was preventing her from nursing normally. Thanks to Lisa’s connections, Luna’s lip-tie was revised less than 48 hours after her birth by a pediatric orthodontist and we were able to be rid of pain. Lisa was always available to help with nursing, which is critical for new moms.
I’m proud to call her my friend and also Luna’s Godmother. I hope she can be present again the next time I have a baby! I gave birth without fear and I know that Lisa had everything to do with it. “Posted 10/21/2014
Happily Serving Northeast Florida including Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach, Palm Coast, Flagler County, Daytona, Orange Park, Ormond beach and St Augustine Birth Doula Services and Postpartum Doula Services