In May 2021 I completed my training and certification in craniosacral therapy. My final training was with Lori Hendrickson, CST. I was wanting to be able to work more closely with my clients and their children with what I knew was a much needed method to add to my many skills . I have been working part time locally with Dr Gary Myers assisting in the laser Tongue Tie releases and learning all I can about ToTs. Most of the babes seen needed body work, CST due to restriction in their body ( facia tightness) .

CST ( CranioSacral Therapy )

I have already been utilizing CST with my pregnant clients and teaching Spinning Babies techniques.

The craniosacral system (CSS) consists of the brain and spinal cord, the three membranes that completely surround it, the craniosacral fluid within the membranes and the fascial connections to the bones of the cranium, cervical vertebrae and sacrum. The dura mater is the tough outer membrane that connects to the cranium and sacrum and contains the entire fluid craniosacral system. The CSS has a slow, gentle rhythm that resonates throughout the entire body. Through gentle soft tissue release, I, work with the craniosacral rhythm to release tension in the fascia and balance the ligaments, muscles and bones. The craniosacral rhythm can be felt as a result of subtle palpation through contact with the cranium, spine, and sacrum—as well as throughout the entire body. If there is not movement or expression of the craniosacral rhythm and tide throughout the body’s tissues, then restriction, dysfunction and pain settle into the body.

Trained in Craniosacral Therapy, Lisa specializes in Pediatric CST. As well as Spinning babies and CST for pregnancy and beyond.

We have seen a significant rise in plageocephaly, torticolis, acid reflux, nursing difficulties, digestive issues in general, and overall restriction and hypertension in the pectoral girdle of infants. Why? We believe Since the AAP’s Back to Sleep Campaign began in the 1990’s.

Craniosacral Therapy for Pregnancy and Postpartum

Craniosacral therapy assists the pregnant woman along her journey into mothering by releasing restrictions in the body and pelvis to co-create an optimal birthing experience. During pregnancy, one of the primary focuses is to release restrictions in the pelvis to resolve back and hip pain and tension and to prepare for an optimal labor and birth, including promoting optimal fetal positioning. Craniosacral bodywork assists the baby in the womb to have optimal labor, birth and bonding.

Craniosacral supports the pregnant women’s inner resources for health, facilitating global balance in the body, heart and spirit. Through light touch, a therapist can balance the pelvis and uterus in pregnancy to ease and prevent ligament pain, posterior babies and low back, hip or rib pain. During labor and birth, women have obtained profound benefit from midwives and doulas trained in craniosacral therapy who are able to support them with comfort measures to balance and unwind the pelvis, uterus and sacrum.

During the postpartum period, craniosacral therapy restores musculoskeletal reintegration, emotional balance and pelvic health and helps alleviate the discomforts of newborn care and mothering. Craniosacral therapy is even more effective for infants when the mother is simultaneously treated. The mother can be treated while holding the baby or while the baby lies on the mother’s belly; the baby also receives treatment this way.

Craniosacral Therapy for Infants

Craniosacral therapy is a wonderful and gentle bodywork modality for infants, babies and children. It promotes health, as well as minimizing or eliminating the effects of birth trauma. Craniosacral therapy is performed with the baby or child wearing comfortable clothing, while the practitioner uses light touch that is soothing and relaxing. Babies enjoy craniosacral therapy. Sessions for babies are usually 15 –45 minutes long and can even be performed with the baby in the parent’s arms.

Newborns benefit profoundly from craniosacral therapy because of the intense pressures on the cranium and body during the short, but dramatic passage from the womb to first breath. Craniosacral bodywork for infants in the early postpartum period can prevent numerous breastfeeding challenges by enhancing their tongue thrust, sucking reflex and latch. Babies born by cesarean or instrument delivery are especially in need of craniosacral therapy to ease the unnatural forces that their bodies experienced in birth.

This natural relief from tension is easily done through the craniosacral practitioner’s loving touch. Craniosacral therapy gently facilitates the release of restrictions in the myofascial tissues surrounding the tongue, facial bones, cranial bones, cranial nerves, sacrum and more, thus encouraging the increase in vitality and coherence of the craniosacral rhythm.

To the observer, the therapist may appear to be “doing nothing” during a craniosacral session, because he or she is just gently contacting various parts of the body with a light touch. However, this conscious touch is specifically palpating the inherent breath of life within the body and its resonance throughout the fluid dynamics, tissues and bones. This conscious relationship with the recipient’s inner healer allows a profound release of tension that occurs as a result of the light touch.

This bodywork assists babies in releasing restrictive patterns in the body before they become issues later in life, thus preventing future disease and dysfunction. Craniosacral therapy is extremely valuable for a baby who experienced a challenging labor and birth or is experiencing health issues. A spectrum of breastfeeding challenges can be treated with craniosacral bodywork including poor latch, reflux, colic, unwillingness to nurse or even painful nipples in mom.

With my visits , I work to keep parents independent of my care (as much as possible) by teaching them specific stretches to perform on their infants as well as other tips to improve nursing latches and digestive and sleeping issues. I also do a thorough lactation consult. I assess the body for restrictions ( often while the baby is nursing /feeding ) and use a very light touch to encourage expansion, mobility and healing. Craniosacral therapy effectively creates deep change through gentle touch by addressing issues at the core of the body’s health. During craniosacral therapy I use no more pressure than 5 gm (the amount needed to hold a nickel) to assess, resolve and prevent restrictions in the body. The treatment is deeply relaxing.

Further reasons to treat a child include: middle ear infections, headaches, learning disabilities, trauma, autism, ADHD, difficult mobility, developmental delays, behavioral changes, cerebral palsy, chronic pain, genetic disorders, neurological conditions, torticollis, hearing problems, disease prevention, promotion of well-being and more.

I also work closely with you before, during and post Tongue tie releases . For more information visit here

CST ( CranioSacral Therapy )

For specific breastfeeding information

Lisa Ellis ( Olschewske) CST, CLC, CD
