The rebozo, a tightly woven traditional Mexican shawl, is one of
the few tools I have in my doula bag and I have had special training. It can also be used in pregnancy for when mom has round ligament pain, previous scar tissue pain and just any discomfort of pregnancy.


Lisa using her Rebozo on a client during her HBAC

The gentle belly sifting accomplished with the rebozo feels very calming, relaxing and
nurturing to the mom. This belly massage can relief uterine
ligament tension during pregnancy and labor. It can also relief
general tension in the body. Some moms tell me that it feels as if I’m cradling them ~a lovely way to mother the mother.

Using the rebozo during labor can help with optimal fetal positioning. The rebozo is a gentle, drug free way to support the laboring mother.

During the pushing phase I often have mom hold one end and I hold the other. This “tug of war” helps mom effectively push. There are so many ways to use a Rebozo before, during and after labor. In a pinch you can also use a sheet or towel.


These are some of my favorite videos.

Mexican midwife, Naoli Vinaver teaching how to use the Rebozo for optimal fetal positioning –
part 1
Part 2

Another video

To read more about traditional ways to support moms click :